Thursday, September 24, 2009

Something Fishy

DB bought Sharkboy and Baby Diva a freshwater aquarium with 7 resident fishes last weekend. Our happy little boy and little girl named them fish no. 1 Nemo, fish no. 2 Nemo, fish no. 3 Nemo…I’m sure you get the drift. Maintaining an aquarium can be quite time consuming as I delegated this task my sole duty after having been traumatized by Sharkboy’s Nanny performing a nightmarish cleaning incident last January. Sharkboy used to own a Flowerhorn fish, a gift from his Ninong H who told him that this particular fish will bring him good luck. It was too late when I caught Sharboy’s Nanny pouring the entire contents of the aquarium tank in a basin one Saturday morning, “QUE HORROR" imagine with the poor little fish on it. I refuse to divulge further details of this incident as I did an exceptional impersonation of Mrs. Edward Hyde as expected, let’s just say she was hotly reprimanded. I understand the intention was good, it was an initiative of hers to clean up the aquarium but her slapdash means was torturous to the fish and to the eyewitness. A fish enthusiast would have burst an artery and I got lucky because I am not yet a certified fish lover.

So the story of the not-so-lucky Flowerhorn fish ends this way, it died a week after the incident and I guessed it did not endure the stress of being thrown into the air along with the sands and decors. I stored the tank and trimmings after its death to help Sharkboy recover from the painful memory of losing his orange fish.

On the lighter side, I am currently researching the aquarium hobby for my children from very helpful sites, for those interested you may take a look at the bounty information these sites offer:

vivi,ama e ridi,


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